Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sure sign of Spring: Empty silverware drawer!

In my ever present quest to find something good, I will appreciate how cold and wet this spring (if you really want to call it that) has been because for the first time since buying this house nearly five years ago, we have a yard that is grass rather than weeds and bare dirt.  My children had no beef with a dirt yard though- they love to dig!  At our house, a sure sign of spring really is a spoon shortage in the silverware drawer.  So this year, I wasn't surprised to see a lack of spoons, but it was mildly puzzling because there isn't a dirt spot for digging in.  I would scan the yard carefully while mowing for my missing silverware, and came across only a single fork.  Well, when it became apparent that if we tried to eat two meals with spoons in a row that someone would have to use a measuring spoon, I broke down and purchased replacements.  The following day a large, sealed ziploc bag appeared in the sink with all of my missing spoons.  It was a miracle!!  I asked Kadie where they had come from.  She laughed hysterically and replied, "Daddy's lunch box!"  I emphatically apologized to my children for accusing them of being spoon losers and we have determined that for Fathers Day, our Daddy gets a box of plastic spoons!  Perhaps next spring, since there is grass on top of our dirt, we will not experience our annual hunt for the spoons at all.