Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Is my time really only worth $0.60 an hour!?!?!?!

     I have come to realize that I am an obsessive cheapskate.  Once upon  a time, I had some glue sticks.  They were the kind you put in a hot glue gun.  They were tiny, though and my glue gun took the big ones.  So, I kept them just in case I ever bought a smaller glue gun.  One day, I did find a mini glue gun on a clearance wrack for a buck and a half and was so excited because I could use the tiny glue sticks!!!  I did not even have a project in mind but- if I ever needed to glue something, I now had the tools; except I couldn't find the blasted glue sticks.  That very night, I lay in bed, unable to sleep for wondering where the missing glue sticks were and decided to just get up and look.  SIX  HOURS I spent looking for gluesticks, being as quiet as I could since it was the middle of the night.  My poor husband thought a hurricane had hit our bedroom in the night when he woke the next morning.  I never found them, but guess what?  The Dollar store carries glue sticks. 
     Today I wanted to put up  a clothes line because, honestly, I like the romantic appeal that "hanging out the laundry" has for me- that and the fact that I live in a wind tunnel.  Why pay for blowing air in the clothes dryer when it's free right out side my door?!  I have had a roll of the actual line in my garage for five years.  But  today, I couldn't find it!  Four hours spent in the garage looking- searching, rather and nothing came to fruition.  I cleaned as I looked though so certain parts of our garage are much tidier for the searching, which is an improvement over the glue stick mess.  And, I also gave up after four hours, rather than six, so that is a 33% inprovement also.  The sad thing is this.  It was a dollar and eighty eight cents for the clothes line but by the time I got to the store and home, it was too late to do the laundry.

  I have learned several lessons today:
1. Don't store stuff for later.  Just throw it away because I'll NEVER find it when I need it and just end up                buying another anyway. 
2. I need to clean the garage. 
3.Do projects right away and not buy stuff just in case ( as I think of my sewing room FULL                              of fabric that was on a good sale that I might use someday). 
4. And I realized that if I didn't have strange quirks, I'd be absolutely perfect and would be twinkled to heaven and have to leave my sweet family with no Mommy- so I will appreciate my quirkiness and look forward to doing the bedding and hanging it out to dry tomorrow.  

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lets start at the very beginning. . .

     I never thought I'd a "blogger".  I have decided though, that I have a lot to say!  There is a lot that goes in in my head- most of the time it's exhausting!  Facebook, while fun, is not the place for me to sort out and publicize the goings on of my random trek through understanding. 

     I am the oldest of five.  I think that means something,  I think it means that I am a leader, that I'm an idea person- thus clever and quick witted.  I'm a teacher, an authoritarian ( that's a nice way to say probably too bossy), I like to have my own way (aka STUBBORN) and I often think my ideas are better than someone elses.  I am a confidant, and protector, an owie kisser, and a helper. 
     I am, from a long time back, a question asker.  I think that people SHOULD share what knowledge they have!!  I do not like having to pay for answers.  I think knowledge should be a free commodity- available for the asking but our society has put a huge price tag on knowledge.  That is one of my major beefs.  For that reason, I love the internet.  So much informtaion out there available for the asking.  I just had an epiphany.  Much of the time, I have wondered why I was sent to earth at this time.  I would have made a lovely English Lady, or a robust pioneer- but my constant quest for knowledge would not have been satisfied at any time other than this one (so far).  YES!!  I love realizing things!- and I like being a question answerer for others.  I don't expect people to just fill me up with knowledge to horde to myself.  There is a balance, though; isn't there?  We don't want to force our "knowledge" or beliefs or ideas or thoughts on others. . that is why I ask.  I'll let the masses know that I am a person who wants to know!  I'll be a receptacle for the stuff they're bursting to share!! Sad thing, though- I am just now beginning to understand that kowledge comes line upon line, and precept upon precept- and what a joyous realization that was.  I need to read my scriptures.  From front to back- the whole way through- and not just flip to the index or topical guide when I have a problem.  I am sooo looking forward to learning things line upon line because I understand now that is the way a loving father in Heaven teaches his children. . .it has been a rough journey of wondering why I didn't get answers when I just opened my books. . .and I didn't feel that I had the resources to "FIND" the answers I sought.  I'll tell you- it was a very lonely place to be. . having people tell me that Heavenly Father loves me and that He will answer my prayers if I ask in Faith but to then pour out my guts in supplication for answers and get (what I thought) was nothing. I just wasn't listening. . . and for that reason,  the answer was a long time coming, but that is it.  I don't get all the knowledge that I seek gift wrapped with a bow or like a lightening bolt flashed right to my brain core. . .I can handle this.  I now have a game plan.  If I familiarize myself with my scriptures- learning truths along the way- I will know better where to go when I seek specific guidance. 
     See- Blogging is fantastic!  Realization is fantastic. 
      So- I'm thinking that this blog will encompass much musing and thought sorting as well as silly things from the day to day that we experience- hopefully I can figure out how to organize it all. 

     Ahhhhh.. if anyone ever does read the things I share- peace to you.  Another of my quests has brought me to feel that peace is as much a choice as what shirt I wear.  Choose peace.  Choose love!  Choose to see those we share this glorious planet with as people and not things or as the labels we unthinkingly give.  It's going to be a great day!